A downloadable shi, man!

Your name is Pepis T. Chef. One day a mysterious floating eyeball comes along and tells you of his new magnificent attraction, a weird portal. With the intent of entering and possibly being the ruler of whatever lurks inside, you enter.
Little did you know, that was one of the worst decisions ever.

This is a reskin mod (a Pinolike, to be more specific) of Pizza Tower, replacing practically all characters, levels and music with fully custom made stuff. It's built off of the Noise Update.

This mod will release as a separate downloadable file. It's still a work in progress.

THIS MOD NEEDS DEVS!! Mainly musicians. Please. Please. We need more.



World 1 demo soon...


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so, good project

cool. Very c.Ool

th anks

y our welc ome  dud.E